I have been home since Wednesday, Oct. 12th. I have not worked. Coz there isn't anything to do at the office. Well, of course I'd rather go to work. But I didn't get any work hours.
And since am just home, I have noticed that there are a lot of things to be done at home. That in recent months of hurried life, I never had a the chance to check my kitchen cabinet for any expired food that needs to be thrown out. Breads that was pushed to the very back with some penicillin growing on it. Opened sachets of spices that needs to be placed in bottles. Half pack of chocolates and chips and biscuits. Empty bottles of soy sauce! And the list goes on. I have always been neat when I was younger, but since Toni and I moved in together, theres really no reason to slave myself and clean up after him. What with the addition of Ria, the house could be clean for a maximum of 30 minutes, and I assure you, as soon as you turn your back, its the same chaotic place as when you started.
I dont complain anymore. I just make sure that my kitchen is always clean before I go to bed, and that all of Ria's toys are in her bedroom, am fine. Although I still get a bit furious when I see Toni's socks on the floor.
On Monday, I had an impromptu dinner with Alexandra, Sylwia and Pawel. We had Crabs, shrimps and springrolls. Put 2 kilos of crabs in a big pot (preferably cut in the middle, claws cracked) Add about 1½ cup of sprite and put on high heat until theres only about 1/4 cup of liquid in the pot. Add 4 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp of chopped garlic and 2 tsps salt. Cook for 10 minutes in medium heat. Add ½ cup of sweet chili sauce and cook for 10 more minutes. Before serving, sprinkle 3 tbsp of chopped onion grass (chives). Enjoy!