Living in a different country may seem adventurous to some. For me, there's this certain tinge of pain that comes with it. Being in Tampere has taught me a lot of things about life, friendship, family and most especially myself. Here, I don't have mommy and daddy to run to when I fall off a bicycle. And the friends you make, becomes your family. You become so attached to them that you can almost feel their happiness, success, triumphs, and unfortunately their pain. But this is what you have. If you really care for your friends, then you pay the price.
When I left Manila, I know that I was leaving my friends, my way of life, my culture, and most especially my family. I know what am getting myself into. Oh hell yeah! But its the tiny pebbles that I picked up on the way that will make my journey colorful yet uncertain. The friends here and there that you make as you walk along, makes the unbearable, bearable.
I have guarded my emotions so well, that only my closest friends know how warm I am inside. When I said goodbye to Krys, my bestfriend, I cried a river. Yes! I can cry. am capable of shedding tears over my friends. When I started at LionBridge, I didn't know I'd be so close yet again to a couple of people that would soon find another path away from Tampere. I cried when Katsu left for Australia, I cried when Steinar left for Africa, and I cried when Kasia left for Poland. I still got Alex, and thank God I still have Alex.
Now I know how it feels to be left behind, just like what I did to my friends and family back home. Where was I? I was just here.....
As I write, am thinking of getting another drink... half a glass of cranberry juice, 5 ice cubes, 2 jiggers of Absolute Raspberry, with a splash of sprite. Hmmm, refreshing....... Lets drink to that.