The past few days have been a blur. Let me start on Friday. November 4Th. Not a good day for a Halloween Party. Don't ask me why, i might embarrass myself. But I didn't manage to attend.
Remember how I have been sulking and complaining that I didn't get enough work in October??? Well, well, surprise!!! i got loads of work to do for this month. No complains. Am happy to work.
Saturday, Nov. 5th, I went to town with Sylwia and Pawel and Katsu! Made some new friends. But my other bitches are still too drunk and wasted from the halloween party to see me. Fine!!! Tuesday: Katarzyna Druszcz a.k.a. KASIA arrived from Poland. Thursday: A dinner gathering at Alex's place for her birthday. Kasia cooked. Ria fell off the couch head first. Toni couldn't drink coz he will be driving back home, but got to bring home half a bottle of Polish grass Vodka. Saturday: Nov. 12th, the big day. The party day. A very long night indeed.

I would like to congratulate one of my dearest friend, baby, sister, and confidante, for she found someone very special in the person of Nico. I wish that both of you will be happy together and may the fire (on Nico's lap top) of your love for each other burn forever. To Alex, happy birthday. You can't imagine how much you mean to me and my family. And if Nico ever hurt you, I promise you, I will hunt him down and pinch his butt!!!! ;)
As this blogs title "Complete", I'd like to talk about when do you say you are complete? Is it when you have enough money? Is it when you found the love of your life? Is it when you have your own family?
Different people have different perception about being COMPLETE. I'd like to know what you can say about this. Feel free to add a comment.