The Father of my dearest friend, is now fighting for his life in a hospital in the country of The Crowned White Eagle.
I would like to ask you my friends, to say a lil prayer for BOLEK, once you read this. He had a heart attack one week ago and has since undergone 2 surgeries.
Flashback: I remembered waking up on a hospital bed at New Era ward. I was awakened by someone humming a very old classic Tagalog song "Kailangan kita" - I Need You. The heat was unbearable. I was sweating like crazy. It was 2 in the morning, I cried myself to sleep. I slowly got up and went to the prayer room. I couldn't cry any longer. I couldn't question God. I just knelt there for what seems like eternity, nothing in my mind to actually say to the Lord. At last, I got up and said "Thy will be done". As I walked outside, I saw the doctor who had just finished operating on my dad. He asked how old I was, and if there's any adult with me. I said I am 21, adult enough. And I know my medical terms. He showed me the 80cms of large intestine he took out from my dads tummy. Gangrenous. And told me that my dad is now in the recovery room. Out of danger. I was relieved, but still unsure.
Two days earlier, my dad suffered extreme stomach ache after having lunch near SEC office. He was rushed by a taxi driver to a Quezon City hospital. My sister and I was contacted separately by the hospital. When I got there, my sister, my brother and my sister-in-law were crying by my dads side. He was in pain. The agony on my dads face was too much. I just tried to calmly talk to my dad and did what I can to make him comfortable. I had no time to shed a tear. And even if I try, the shock of the moment blocked my tear ducts. In a span of two days, he was transferred to another hospital and was treated with insullin (in prep for operation).
That two days was the most agonizing days of my life. I was there by my dads bed side. His sweat and tears combined. We couldn't get a decent, private, air conditioned room. Everything was taken. We had to endure the mid summer heat. 37 degs. At last he was wheeled to the operating room. I don't know what to think. My mind was blank. Thats how it is when you are trying to not expect the inevitable. Tears are just flowing freely. Mouth: DRY. Whole body: NUMB.

And my dad asked me, "What was the title of the song I use to sing to put you to sleep?"
I replied: KAILANGAN KITA!!!