What a stressful day this has been!!! Twas my first day at the new department at the same company. I had to get my own CPU, and set up my own workstation.... This is not the usual protocol. But I tried to understand that one of the IT people was on sick leave. Still, nobody even checked if I had everything that I need to be able to work. Am so very pissed off. And sad that a lot of the people went thru the same shithole. Nobody even bothered to ask if I was coping up. I was on the verge of shouting and screaming at the top of my lungs. Good thing Thierry was there sitting right next to me and made the day a lil bit more enjoyable. Thanks to Ove who was at least patient with me, eventhough he was busy. Thanks to Daddy Nik who set up my notes. Thanks to Deepa, who at least tried to make my macros work. Thanks to Michael who finally made my macros work. Thanks to Mama Mia, who tried to help. And thanks to Thierry who smoked with me (eventhough he shouldn't). A special thanks to Wei Yu for doing a favor fixing my stupidity!!!
Am so sad that my taxes are so high, and I am not gonna get any working hours for next week. How am I going to support my growing girl???
Yes, this has been a very stressful day indeed.
Thank you to my lil precious Ria, for making me smile when she saw me picking her up. Thank you to my beloved Toni for listening to my ramblings about work, that I even forgot to ask him how his day was, and for fixing me a drink. (Martini glass. In a shaker, put 5 ice cubes, 1 jigger of Vodka, 2 calamansi juice or juice of half lime, 2 jiggers of cranberry juice, 1 sugar cube. Shake it and pour onto the martini glass, top with a cherry) Not a day for cheering, but am looking forward to my 2nd day. Hell yeah! lets freaking drink to that 2nd day....