December 20, 2005. I walked up the stairs of the Onnekieli building. The Language school who will grant me an interview. Not many people gets chosen to the language course. There are so many factors to consider. I dunno if I have those factors to get into the course. But I have to go for the interview. This is it. Not knowing what to expect, I went with the feeling that this could change my life, but, thy will be done.
The corridors weren't inviting at all. It took me back to the memories of highschool. Gray walls. Shut doors. Dull. There were several people already waiting for the interview. Two girls I remembered who are from the middle east, one Irish lad, one German guy, and some other people I didn't even get to talk to. They all had different stories to tell, and all had speculations on what the interviewer was asking. They had several papers on their hands with Finnish words in it. When I asked the German guy, he said he is already enrolled to one Finnish course. So I asked why is he still applying for this one? He replied that this Onnenkieli is the best school in Tampere, with major awards from the Collegiate authorities.
My turn for interview. I was nervous, unlike most job interviews, you can't lie. This one made me more nervous, coz I know that my life here in Finland partly depended on it. I cannot be the lazy ass I was in highschool and college. In short, I can't cheat. I can't lie. So I reverted to the old and wise wisdom: Just be yourself!
I met two ladies. On my right was a very smiling and affectionate looking 30 something-carreer woman. The other looks like my terror Physics teacher. A no nonesense look on her face. Made me want to run out of the room. The interview I think went well. They asked the very important questions, of why, and what is my goal afterwards. Pretty basic questions, that will show how determined you are of studying the Finnish language.
I shook hands with the ladies, but unlike in most job interviews, I have no hint whatsoever, if I'm gonna get the post or not. There were 80 applicants, and they only need 15!!!