December 31st, 2005.
A very good day. I woke up early and started cleaning up. My lumpiang shanghai is all wrapped 3 days ago and now defrosting. The crispy pata is boiled, dried, and waiting to get fried. The beef kare-kare, only needs the vegetables. The Ham, uhmmm, marinated in pineapple juice and brown sugar, is ready to roast in the oven. The chicken, oh yes, it will be baked as soon as the ham is done.
I started frying the kropek (prawn crackers), and prepared the crust for the quiche. Cut up the fruits for the punch and when everything is ready, the first guest arived on the dot.
Fatemeh, Sebastjan, Nico, Magda, Steve, Lisa and Gilberto, all came bearing gifts for our Monito Monita. And with loads of booze. It was a slow start, no one would want to sing the karaoke. I think they weren't drunk enough. During the countdown, we all went outside and lit up some fireworks and drank champagne. And when we came back inside, everyone was ready to take on the karaoke singing.... Hah! It took almost half of the booze to get them to sing. But it was all worth it. I had fun, and I love that all of them were into it. Thank you for a very good New Years eve party.
Oh, and Ria didn't go to sleep until the last guest had left. She was such a good girl.