Entry of May 26, 2006
This has been the longest five months of my life. Learning a new language isn't easy at all. There were times that I was almost giving up, and didn't wanna go to class at all. But when I think of the main reason why I applied to this course, it takes me back to my senses, and steps on the breaks again.
Today (26th of May) was the final exams for the basic course. A 20 minute oral exams that I think I did well at, an hour long sentence building, fill in the blanks and grammar, and 2 hours long text comprehension and essay. First 2, I am really confident that I did well, and my grade will probably be at least more than the passing grade (1.5). But in sentence building and essay, I sooo feel I will fail. 2.5 is the highest possible grade that a first grader like me can get.
Fast forward: I received my grades June 6th, and guess what??? I more than passed. I got a 2- which I didn't even expect I will get. I am very happy and quite impressed.
I failed only one, the text comprehension, but thats fine, coz Toni is just a phone call away if I need to ask any translations, Nyahahaha! The most incredible was that I got a perfect score in Understanding speech, and of course, Orals!!! (yeah, yeah, shut your mouth) C'mon the subject was food. If you really are my friend, you'd know that this is my fave subject!
So to reward myself, a bottle of Spanish wine, ESTOLA... cheers! Or I should say KIPPIS!