I was just reading my cousins blog, and I was moved to tears. I know how her father left them when we were kids. I know that it was of course painful when you don't understand whats going on. I still don't. But when I read her blogs, I felt so proud of her. That although she has forgiven her father, she didn't forget.... didn't forget to pray for him. A toast for Jackie... a rock glass (of course with ice), 1 1/2 oz. Whiskey or Bourbon, 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth, Garnish with a Lemon twist.
I've been reading a lot of the blogs lately, and I felt so familiar with the pains and joys of my friends. How Dang felt so alone after she moved to Cali from Manila, how Kasia felt strange going back to Poland after staying in Finland, and a lot of other heartaches about life. Made me realize, I have easier pains, and I shouldn't complain so much.

But life in general is getting tougher and tougher. Company's are downsizing, merging, whatever. I was just watching "In Good Company" a few days ago, well mainly because I like Topher Grace from the 70's show. Anyways, what happened in the movie is something real. And this is a crucial time in our lives. Even here in Finland, I have been in the same company for 13 months, and we have merged with another company, and been bought by another company, all in a span of 1 year. Am glad that my company still needs me, and my ability to speak TAGALOG. Yes! Just because I can read and write in Tagalog, I have a job.
I phoned my mom yesterday, and she said that there are a lot of kids in the Philippines who didn't enroll this year. They are left with no choice but to sell Sampaguita on the streets just so they could eat. And some of those kids who used to go to private schools, now enrolled to public schools. It is such a pity that kids has to suffer. They are the future so as the song says. But if we dont educate our kids, there is no future.
Am sad....